Who Bears the Cost of Poor Leadership?

March 11, 2022
  • Bob Chapman
  • Bob Chapman
    CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller

We often say, “The way we lead impacts the way people live.”

刚刚经历了一场大流行和劳动力的转变,现在被称为“大辞职”,” there is more and more evidence supporting that statement.

For instance, the headline of a recent St. Louis Business Journal article read, “There's a cost to keeping bad bosses around — and it's rising.”

Here are some statistics the article offers around that proposition:

  • 35%的美国人表示,他们曾因为不喜欢老板而辞去自己喜欢的工作.
  • 9%的员工承认他们目前正在找新工作,因为他们不喜欢自己的老板.
  • 如果员工不喜欢自己的老板,要说服他们留在自己喜欢的工作岗位上是很困难的. 约25%的人表示,公司无论给他们多少钱都无法让他们留在这种情况下, while about 22% would stay for 25% more pay. About 19% would stay for double the pay, according to the survey.
  • 益普索的2022年职场归属研究显示,近一半的美国人正在考虑离开目前的工作. 那些正在考虑换工作的人不太可能在工作场所感到归属感. 大部分员工都认为,归属感能提高工作效率.
  • 不辞职的员工在遇到坏老板时,工作效率会下降,因为他们不愿意为自己不喜欢的人做额外的工作.
  • 人力资源管理协会(Society of Human Resource Management)的数据发现,雇主通常不得不花费相当于员工6至9个月的工资来寻找和培训接替他们的人.
  • The recruitment and retention firm Built In said it cost about $1,500 per worker to replace an hourly employee, 对于技术职位,这一比例约为员工工资的100%至150%;对于高管职位,这一比例最高可达员工工资的213%.

For a long time in my speeches, 我引用的统计数据显示,65%的人宁愿看到自己的老板被解雇,也不愿看到加薪;58%的人表示,他们更信任陌生人,而不是自己的老板. And there is a 20% increase in heart attacks on Monday mornings!

None of this surprising. As I have shared for a while, 外围十大菠菜app正在经历领导层的渎职,这在世界上造成了尊严的匮乏. It has significantly impacted the health and family life of those in the workplace. 一些统计数据暗示,换工作只会把你带到另一个压力的地方.

“Between April and September 2021, more than 24 million American employees left their jobs, an all-time record,” according to MIT.

And here’s what they say are the main causes of this “Great Resignation”:



"Failure to recognize performance… The issue is not compensation below market rates, 而是与努力和结果无关的认可——无论是非正式的还是经济上的."

So, according to research by MIT, “大辞职”主要是由一种有毒的文化造成的,这种文化无法正确认识他们的员工. 认可和庆祝是Barry-Wehmiller的领导力发展项目的一个关键方面,该项目专注于在组织中发光,寻找好的一面,并把它举起来让其他人欣赏.

但是,与招聘和培训的成本相比,领导力低下的成本更大. From a recent article by NextGov当前位置近七成的美国职场人士感到筋疲力尽,工作和生活几乎没有什么区别, 大多数人(58%)认为他们的工作是他们心理健康挑战的主要来源.”

The way we lead impacts the way people live.

对我来说,糟糕的领导对组织内员工生活的影响比他们在招聘上花的钱要大得多, training and medical costs.

How many marriages have ended due to poor leadership in the workplace?



We all bear the cost of poor leadership.

Leaders, when we walk through the door each morning, 外围十大菠菜app应该意识到,外围十大菠菜app的领导方式将对外围十大菠菜app所照顾的人的健康和家庭生活产生重大影响. 领导是对托付给你的生命的管理,带着每天晚上送人们回家的愿景,让他们知道他们是谁,他们在做什么.

As a leader, 外围十大菠菜app需要认识到,在外围十大菠菜app照顾范围内的每一个人都是别人的宝贝孩子, 带着对未来的希望和梦想,他们可以充分发挥自己的潜力. They are a person, 就像我照顾自己的孩子一样,应该得到别人的照顾.

As leaders, we should listen with empathy, the most powerful act of caring. Listening is the most important thing we, as humans, can do for one another. It shows empathy, it shows you care and, most importantly, it shows the person you are listening to that they matter. 这样做的目的不仅仅是为了获得你需要的信息,而是为了满足对方的需求,倾听他或她的感受, listening allows us to connect and better understand each other.

Leaders, look for the goodness in people and recognize and celebrate it daily. 外围十大菠菜app都很熟悉这种情绪:“我做对了10件事,一个字也没听进去;做错了一件事,我被骂了一顿。.” Traditional management teaches us to look for the errors or exceptions, to look for opportunities to improve. We all have a need to be recognized -- not only at work, but at home. As a leader, 你们应该抓住每一个机会,在你们的关怀和体贴中庆祝生命, timely and proportional ways!

These things aren’t revolutionary. These things aren’t grandiose. They’re just asking leaders to care. 把他们所照顾的人看作是人,尊重他们,尊重他们的尊严. This is how we move from “management” to leadership.

Unfortunately, our educational institutions don’t teach human leadership skills, they teach academic skills to get good grades, 进入好学校,赚人们认为会带来幸福的钱! It doesn’t!

Maybe the Great Resignation is the Human Revolution I’ve called for in response to poor leadership. 但现在比以往任何时候都更清楚的是,实际成本远远大于美元和美分.



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Need help in applying principles of Truly Human Leadership in your organization? Chapman & Co. 领导力研究所是Barry-Wehmiller的领导力咨询公司,与其他公司合作制定战略愿景, engage employees, 通过领导力培训,改善企业文化,培养优秀的领导者, assessments and workshops.

Find out more at ccoleadership.com