
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席

Have you ever watched a professional football game where the receiver catches a pass in the end zone, spikes the ball and does a celebration dance?

只有一次, 我想看他把球放下来, run back the offensive lineman who is laying on the ground and say, “嘿, 伟大的块. 没有你我做不到!” Then he’d go to the quarterback and say, “Great throw!” To the coach, he’d say “Thanks for calling a great play!”

成功地扮演那个角色, you have to be an incredibly gifted athlete who has worked hard to be in a position to make that catch. 也许这是个好机会, 美丽的收获, 很少有人能抓住这个机会, but the truth is that receiver can’t do it alone. A lot of players and coaches did the right thing to put him in a position to make that great catch.

这在外围十大菠菜app的工作场所不是经常发生吗? So many people contribute to a product or project and so few get the credit.

In 2007, one of our engineers in what is now our BW Papersystems company leveraged a chance meeting with a potential customer into an eventual sale. He was able to clearly articulate the benefits of our product line to that customer who was then very happy to meet with a sales executive.  That sales executive was so appreciative of the engineer taking the time to go above and beyond the normal bounds of his job description, he wrote an e-mail to the entire team praising the individual for his work.

Now this took place during the early stages of our leadership journey at Barry-Wehmiller, but still we knew that we needed to find a way to recognize these unsung heroes. Many of whom never expect to be recognized for something they’ve done. 对这些人来说,这都是一天的工作.

So we started something we call the High Five Program. It’s a way of recognizing a team member who goes above and beyond their normal call of duty to help the team achieve. Winners receive a plaque or trophy or small gift but the most satisfaction comes from the heartfelt words of the nominators or their peers.

Jane Harding of our BW Papersystems office in Hamburg, 德国y recently received the High Five award for the technical specifications and accompanying support documentation for a potential sale of a paper sheeting and packaging line in 中国. There were around 100 documents in all and Jane also had to coordinate the effort with colleagues from various BW locations – USA, 印尼, 中国, 当然, 在汉堡内部.

“这是一项要求很高的工作, usually over a period of several weeks for something as complicated as this,简说. “But very interesting and satisfying, especially when we win (the sale)!

“On the day I received the award I was completely taken by surprise, I had no idea beforehand that I had been nominated. I enjoyed sharing the moment with all my colleagues in Hamburg. The award for me is a tangible mark of recognition for my efforts. 被人欣赏是件好事!”

Another recipient, Moroni Mills, a team member at Hudson-Sharp,外围十大菠菜app的 蒂埃尔技术 绿湾公司, WI, had worked for months on a special presentation for two high-profile customers. This presentation was to be delivered by a senior leader from our company to our customers at a large industry trade show. Moroni was the driving force in putting this presentation together, as well as navigating some last-minute challenges.

事实上, one of the quotes from his nomination was from one of the customers who said that Moroni’s “Gentle persistent leadership and tireless efforts were truly above and beyond, and I am at a loss for how to best express our gratitude.”

Moroni had no idea he was getting the award and I was fortunate to be in town to help present it. He later said he was shocked when it was announced.

“The whole event was a memory that I’ll always remember and cherish,” Moroni said. “I feel that I was recognized for the work and dedication I put into all that I do with Hudson-Sharp, 蒂勒和巴里·韦米勒. This award shows me that it is more than just the work I do, but that I as a person matter to this organization, which makes me want to dedicate myself more to this company.

外围十大菠菜app中的许多人努力工作,奉献时间, talents and expertise to every aspect of our jobs without expecting anything extra in return. However, being recognized for that effort helps us feel valued and important. It also endears us to this company to provide even more effort and dedication, which in the long run is best for all involved.”

领导人, next time you’re ready to celebrate with your own particular touchdown dance in the end zone, 想想你是怎么做到的. 我敢打赌这不是一个人的努力. Think about what a simple act can mean to those who participated in this triumph. 他们想知道自己很重要, 有时, just a simple high five is a way to help them know that their work is appreciated.



鲍勃·查普曼/ 2012年11月1日
布伦特·斯图尔特/ 2022年4月14日
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2020年4月27日
咖啡对话集. 第2集:获得认可的秘诀

Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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