A Salute to Two Special Dads

June 16, 2016
  • Bob Chapman
  • Bob Chapman
    CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller


St. Louis, MO(美国)团队成员克里斯·弗雷泽和罗斯·麦肯齐是外围十大菠菜app组织中众多将被家人尊敬的父亲之一. 然而,对于他们两人来说,我怀疑今年的父亲节将会特别痛苦.

In December, Chris’ two-year-old daughter Lexi was diagnosed with cancer; two months earlier in October, Ross’ seven-year-old son Kai had received a cancer diagnosis too.

Since then, 克里斯和罗斯都对他们的家人从巴里-威米勒那里得到的爱和支持感到震惊. But that’s not surprising. 当你营造了一个家庭第一、关爱是主要商品的工作环境时,就会发生这种情况.

Chris, Barry-Wehmiller’s C3 help desk team leader, 他说,两年前,当他在其他三个工作机会中选择了巴里-韦赫米勒时,他就感觉到了这一点. “我接受了减薪为巴里-韦赫米勒工作,但这是正确的决定.当他开车进入停车场,经过一个牌子时,他明白了这一点,牌子上写着:“想象一个人们首先关心他人的世界。.”

当他和他的妻子阿什利得知莱西患有透明细胞肉瘤这一令人心碎的消息时, 这是一种罕见的癌症,据报道在美国每年不到五次, the care from his Barry-Wehmiller family was immediate.

“I remember it being very surreal. 医生和外科医生开始和外围十大菠菜app谈论这种疾病及其治疗方法,” Chris shared, “but none of it registered. I kept thinking ‘How will we manage all this? 除了莱西,外围十大菠菜app还有一个儿子、两份工作、两条狗和一笔抵押贷款? What if I couldn’t work?’”

他的IT团队领导很快给出了一个简单明了的答案,并向他保证没有工作, no job, no career is more important than family. 他们告诉克里斯尽可能多地请假帮助莱西康复,因为当他回来时他的工作还在那里.

And that was just the beginning. 为了抵消家里不断增加的医疗费用,他们从巴里-韦米勒医院得到了一笔赠款 Hearts to Hands Relief Fund, a GoFundMe campaign was created, and the St. Louis Community Enrichment Team, 哪些项目或非营利组织可以让团队成员贡献时间或资金支持, launched the “Every Coin Matters” campaign.

“‘每一枚硬币都很重要’背后的想法是鼓励人们把零钱或几张钞票扔进外围十大菠菜app在圣. Louis offices. 这样外围十大菠菜app就可以看到,通过外围十大菠菜app所有人的一点点努力——就像家庭所做的那样——外围十大菠菜app真的可以为有需要的BW家庭成员带来改变,” said Tammy Martin of the Community Enrichment Team.

莱西在切除了右肾及其周围的肿瘤后,目前正在接受为期一年的化疗. 她严重受损的免疫系统使她容易受到潜在的致命感染,所以家人准备了一套包,准备随时返回医院.

“It’s been very tough,” Chris said.  “I know I could not do this anywhere else. Once, when I returned to work after taking time to be with Lexi, one of my leaders said ‘Why are you here? Go home and be with your family.’ I appreciate that but I need to be at work sometimes; it’s my safe place where I can escape for a moment from the stress. Plus, 我真的很想履行我的责任,为我的家庭增加价值,因为我对巴里-韦赫米勒为我的家庭所做的一切充满感激.”

MarcieJosh_Wedding罗斯·麦肯齐(Ross McKenzie)是Barry-Wehmiller公司22年的资深员工,他也有同样的感受. 去年10月,他的儿子Kai被诊断出患有急性淋巴细胞白血病后,他的家人开始得到经济和情感上的支持. After weeks of random fevers and intermittent pain in his arms, 罗斯的妻子比比带凯去了急诊室,检查结果显示他得了癌症.

“我刚出差回家,妻子打电话让我直接去急诊室,” said Ross, 目前担任BW集装箱系统售后销售经理 BW Integrated Systems). “‘Is it cancer?’ I asked. ‘Just tell me,’ I pleaded. But I already knew it was.”


“The grants and fundraisers have been tremendous,” he said. “去看那些我甚至不认识的人,他们来自遥远的金奈, India donating to help Kai is a very amazing thing.”


“这家公司有很多伟大的东西,人们倾向于为它工作很长时间,” said Ross. “Your team becomes your second family. We all look after each other.

“当我在路上的时候,我把它看作是在为我的所有团队卖钱. 这是把我和这个团队联系在一起的原因,也是我在22年后仍然留在这家伟大公司的第368个原因.”


今年的父亲节,罗斯打算像往常一样,花点时间反思一下. “Have I been a good father? What could I do to be better? I suspect this year I will reflect a little bit more,” he shared.


“作为一个父亲,我曾经花了很多时间害怕做错事,”他回忆道. “现在我会花更多的时间享受我的孩子们,做一些让他们微笑的事情——这可能意味着我要给莱西读《外围十大菠菜app》了!”

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