At UNC, you can see the world through your own lens, learn at your own pace and move 跟着自己的节奏走. It's about finding success in the quality of the journey, 不只是在目的地. As a public, doctoral research university, we offer more than 200 undergraduate and graduate programs online and on-campus to help you pursue 你的目标和梦想.
We are committed to your academic success while keeping costs accessible and affordable. In addition to offering lower-than-average tuition across universities 在科罗拉多州, we offer several aid programs to help students achieve their academic goals and graduate 负债越少越好.
UNC has the lowest debt at graduation among similar four 一年的大学 在科罗拉多州.
Average amount of scholarships and grants awarded to first-time full-time undergraduates.
Over 700 scholarships are available to students every academic year.
Colorado First Year Admission Guarantee
With more than 40% of our students identifying as first in their families to attend college, we understand how stressful the college search process can be. 我们的第一年 Admission Guarantee for Colorado residents removes the guesswork from knowing whether whether UNC is the best choice and fit for you.
90% of all undergraduate classes are taught exclusively by faculty
or in graduate school, or in a volunteer or service role within six months of graduation
在科罗拉多州 by CollegeNet's Social Mobility Index, 2021
UNC's 星空下的音乐会 is a free concert series that welcomes a diverse lineup of musicians to Garden Theatre every summer. This Greeley tradition is hosted by the UNC School of Music and sponsored in part by the Weld Community Foundation and Allo Fiber. Grab your picnic blanket or lawn chair and join us at 8pm at Garden Theatre (10 Ave & Cranford Place) on Tuesdays in July!
7月16日:塞拉西 & The Fafa Family (Feel-Good World Music, Highlife & 雷鬼音乐)
July 23: Chimbangle (Salsa, Bachata & 雷击
7月30日:Jewel House (Disco Pop)